Stem Cell Core Facility
A groundbreaking Technology
From a blood or skin sample, patient cells are reprogrammed into stem cells and then differentiated into the cell type of interest for the disease. This disease-in-a-dish model allows to study the disease and test new treatments. Stem cells can also be used as cell therapy.
Our Stem Cell Core Facility
The ULB Center for Diabetes Research created a stem cell laboratory in 2015 to implement human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) differentiation into pancreatic islets. Human iPSC-derived cells provide an exciting technology to study disease mechanisms, discover biomarkers and test novel therapeutic approaches; they will also become essential as cell replacement therapy. Over the years, we have acquired ample expertise and knowhow in stem cell-based disease-in-a-dish models.
In our commitment to advancing scientific knowledge, the ULB Stem Cell Core Facility is dedicated to provide access to academic and industry partners to these state-of-the-art methodologies, along with comprehensive training and technological support in:
- REPROGRAMMING: Utilizing non-integrating Sendai virus technology, we reprogram patient and healthy control skin fibroblasts or peripheral blood mononuclear cells into iPSC lines.
- GENOME EDITING: Employing CRISPR/Cas technology, we correct pathogenic mutations in patients’ iPSCs to create isogenic control iPSC lines. Conversely, if patient cells are not available, we generate “disease iPSC lines” by introducing specific mutations.
- DIFFERENTIATIONS: Our expertise encompasses the differentiation of iPSCs into pancreatic islets, neurons, and endothelial cells. Additional differentiation methods can be established upon request.

Contact us to learn about our services in the exciting stem cell landscape and unlock the potential of these transformative technologies:
- ULB Center for Diabetes Research Stem Cell Laboratory manager : Nathalie Pachera +32(0)25556315
- ULB Center for Diabetes Research +32(0)25556238
Visit us
The UCDR has several teams of established and young researchers, working together to better understand and cure diabetes.
You are welcome to visit our Center to learn about our ongoing research and see how the scientists are working to improve the health of people with diabetes. You are also welcome to explore job opportunities.